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Galapagos PRO Gründerin Beate Zwermann mit Seelöwen auf Española
Galapagos PRO Founder Beate Zwermann with sea lions on Espanola Island

If you are planning to travel to the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, and other South American travel destinations, you are in good hands.

Ecuador is like a second home to Galapagos PRO. Our highly experienced team knows the Galapagos Islands inside out. We are based in Germany, Ecuador, and the Galapagos Islands. We are eager to offer you our expertise and help create your unique, tailor-made dream holiday in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. Nothing will be left to chance when you travel to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands with Galapagos PRO. Explore our bespoke range of possible routes, itineraries, excursions as well as a choice of hotels, cruises and wildlife encounters below!

If you need any help or advice in planning your itinerary, please contact the friendly and experienced Galapagos PRO team who are here to help you plan your trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.

Newest reviews

Excellent Advice

Rated 5.0 out of 5
8. November 2017

We came back on 01.11.17 from the trip we booked with you.

It was just fantastic!

That is why we would like to thank you. Starting with Nadine for the excellent advice and compilation of the journey… and the patience she had with my demands …. then with Alex, who picked up our backpack from the airport and brought it to our hotel, although it was KLM’s fault….. Thanks also for the delicious chocolate…. then a big thank you to Karin with the valuable tips on Santa Cruz and Rebekka on Isabella, with whom we have laughed a lot. The gave us really great help with everything and valuable tips…. Thanks for the Bluefooted boobies and my first snorkeling experience.

And last but not least: to Beate, who started the great travel company.

I have now fulfilled my dream that I had for soooo long.

We will definitely recommend your company.

Best regards,

Sandra and Harald G.

Sandra und Harald G.

Tolle Reiseplanung

Rated 5.0 out of 5
30. August 2017

Liebe Frau Friedrich,

ich möchte mich im Namen meiner Familie für die tolle Reiseplanung bedanken. Es war einfach super. Alles hat hervorragend geklappt und wir kamen 10 Tage aus dem Staunen nicht mehr heraus.

Ihre Mitarbeiter vor Ort sind sehr sympathisch. Karin auf Santa Cruz mit ihrem wahnsinnigen Wissen, die freundliche Manuela auf San Christóbal und dann noch die herzliche Rebekka auf der Insel Isabella.

Die vielen Abenteuer mit Schlauchbooten, Schnellbooten und 9-sitzigem Flugzeug waren sehr aufregend. Kaltes Wasser zum Duschen und Stromausfall durften wir auch erleben.

Die Menschen haben wir als sehr freundlich erlebt und gut gegessen haben wir auch, sogar für Vegetarier gab es auf den Ausflugsschiffen sehr geschmackvolles Essen.

Ich könnte jetzt immer weitermachen. Aber Sie wissen ja, wovon ich gerade noch so erfüllt bin.

Wir werden noch einmal hinfahren. Alles gesehen haben wir ja noch nicht.

Liebe Grüße aus dem sonnigen Münster

Claudia W.

Tolle Reiseplanung

Rated 5.0 out of 5
30. August 2017

Dear Mrs. Friedrich,

I would like to thank you on behalf of my family for the great travel planning. It was just great. Everything worked out great and we were blown away for the entire 10 days.

Your local staff have fantastic hospitality. Karin on Santa Cruz with her incrdible knowledge, the friendly Manuela on San Cristóbal and then the hearty Rebekka on Isabella Island.

The many adventures with dinghies, speedboats and 9-seater aircraft were very exciting. We also got to experience cold water for showers and power failure.

In our experience, the people were very friendly and we ate well. Even for vegetarians there was very tasty food on the excursion boats.

I could go on forever. But you know what, I’m just so satisfied.

We will go back there again. We have not seen everything yet.

Greetings from sunny Münster,

Claudia W.

(translated from German)

Claudia W.

Rundreise Ecuador und Galapagos 2017

Rated 5.0 out of 5
10. July 2017

Dank der großen Erfahrung von Frau Beate Zwermann und ihres sehr professionellen Teams von „Galapagos PRO“ in Frankfurt wurde uns aus den unterschiedlichsten Modulen eine äußerst abwechslungsreiche und sehr informative Rundreise zusammengestellt. Auch die Zusammenarbeit mit den Unterkünften und den Betreuern vor Ort klappte reibungslos. Wir wurden jeweils pünktlich an den Flughäfen oder Bootsanlegestellen abgeholt und hinbegleitet. So erlebten wir eine wunderschöne und außerordentlich interessante Reise, die wir in jedem Fall auch wieder so durchführen würden. Wir danken dem „Galapagos-PRO“-Team, welches wir uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen können.

A. und K. Friedrich

Ecuador and Galapagos Tour 2017

Rated 5.0 out of 5
10. July 2017

Thanks to the great experience of Mrs. Beate Zwermann and her very professional team at “Galapagos PRO” in Frankfurt we have put together a very varied and very informative round trip from the various different modules. The cooperation with the accommodations and the supervisors on site worked smoothly. We were picked up and escorted punctually at the airports and boat moorings. We experienced a wonderful and extremely interesting trip, which we would absolutely do again. Thank you again to the “Galapagos PRO” team, who we would recommend without reservation.

(translated from German)

A. und K. Friedrich

Begeisterte Kunden

Rated 4.0 out of 5
16. June 2017

Liebe Frau Friedrich,

nun komme ich endlich mal dazu die Rückmeldung unserer gemeinsamen Kunden B. an Sie weiter zu geben. Die beiden saßen kurz nach ihrer Reise lange bei mir und haben erzählt, jedoch bin ich direkt am nächsten Tag selbst in den Urlaub geflogen und konnte deshalb noch keine Rückmeldung geben.

Herr und Frau B. waren absolut begeistert und total im Glück !

Sie sagen es war eine der schönsten Reisen, die sie je gemacht haben. Sowohl Quito, als auch die La Selva Lodge, und selbstverständlich die Galapagos-Inseln, alles hat ihnen sehr gut gefallen und vor allem waren sie sehr zufrieden mit allen Reiseleitern und Naturführern.

Worauf die Kunden hingewiesen haben ist, dass man auf der scharfkantigen Lava auf der Insel Española sehr, sehr schlecht laufen kann. Die Wege sind sehr schlecht und man ist wohl die ganze Zeit nur damit beschäftigt auf den Boden zu schauen, um nicht zu fallen, und kann die Landschaft und die Tiere nicht genießen oder fotografieren. Einige der älteren Gäste mussten umdrehen oder sind direkt auf dem Schiff geblieben. Vielleicht könnte man das bereits in der Reiseausschreibung / Reiseunterlagen vermerken und darauf hinweisen, dass knöchelhohe Schuhe absolut notwendig sind, damit die Gäste wissen was sie erwartet.

Aber alles in allem war alles super und die Kunden waren begeistert !

Ich wünsche Ihnen noch eine schöne Woche !

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Christiane Räder von Rodereisen

Impressed Customers!

Rated 4.0 out of 5
16. June 2017

Dear Mrs. Friedrich,

Now I finally get the feedback from our mutual customers B. to you. The two sat with me for a long time shortly after their trip and have told me all about it, but I flew out the next day on vacation and therefore could not relay their feedback.

Mr. and Mrs. B. were absolutely thrilled and totally ecstatic!

They say it was one of the most beautiful trips they have ever been on. Both Quito and La Selva Lodge, and of course on the Galapagos Islands. They loved everything and above all they were very happy with all the tour guides and nature guides.

What the customers have pointed out is that it can be very, very hard to walk on the sharp-edged lava on Española Island. The roads are very bad and you must concentrate on the ground while you walk so as not to fall, so you can not enjoy the landscape and the animals or take photographs. Some of the older guests had to turn around or simply stay on the ship. Maybe you could already mention that in the travel announcement / travel documents and point out that ankle-high shoes are absolutely necessary, so that the guests know what to expect.

But all in all, everything was great and the customers loved it!

I wish you a nice week!

Yours sincerely,

Christiane R

Christiane Räder von Rodereisen

Klasse Organisation

Rated 5.0 out of 5
8. June 2017

Liebe Frau Dik,

wir möchten uns nochmal ganz herzlich für die gute Organisation der Reise nach Galapagos bei Ihnen bedanken!

Die Reise macht ihrem Namen “Mission Paradies” wirklich alle Ehre.

Wir haben uns jedes mal über die Abholung eines netten deutschsprachigen Mitarbeiters von Galapagos Pro am Flughafen gefreut und dass wir im Anschluss noch Informationen zur jeweiligen Insel erhalten und Fragen stellen konnten. Auch die Möglichkeit im Notfall jemanden über Handy erreichen zu können war beruhigend. Auf Isabela war es so nett, dass wir immer wieder mal der Rebecca über den Weg gelaufen sind und man kurz tratschen konnte.

Die Unterkünfte waren alle in Ordnung und auch die Abholung zu den Ausflügen oder den Transfers zur Weiterreise haben immer gut und pünktlich geklappt.

Kompliment an Sie und Ihre Mitarbeiter – wir haben uns am anderen Ende der Welt gut betreut gefühlt.

Herzlichen Dank und viele Grüße aus Stuttgart :-)

Martina B. und Claudia S.

Brilliant organisation

Rated 5.0 out of 5
8. June 2017

Dear Mrs. Dik,

We would like to thank you again for the brilliant organization of our trip to Galapagos!

The journey really lives up to its name “Mission Paradies”.

We always looked forward to being picked up by a nice German-speaking employee of Galapagos PRO at the airport and that we were then able to receive information about the respective island and ask questions. The ability to reach someone in an emergency via cell phone was also reassuring. On Isabela it was so nice that we repeatedly ran across the Rebecca and you could gossip briefly.

The accommodations were all good and the pick up for the excursions or the transfers to the onward journey always good and punctual.

A compliment to you and your employees – we felt well taken care of at the other end of the world.

Many thanks and best regards from Stuttgart :-)

Martina B. und Claudia S.

Eine wirklich besondere Reise

Rated 5.0 out of 5
24. May 2017


nun sind wir ja schon wieder eine Weile zu Hause, und normalerweise sagt man da: der Alltag hat uns wieder. Ja, hat er, aber anders als sonst!

Diese Reise war wirklich etwas besonderes, und das liegt natürlich an den Inseln, aber auch daran, wie Sie uns bei der Planung geholfen haben! Für uns war genau diese Zusammenstellung perfekt! Wenig Schiff (zum Glück! Die eine Überfahrt von Isabela nach Santa Cruz war nicht lustig – fanden alle 6 Erwachsenen, die auf dem Boot waren, aber das Boot ist nicht zerbrochen und wir alle heil ;-), verschiedenartige Unterkünfte (Luis ist sooo lieb, Casa Marita sehr schick, Gundi ist Gold wert!), organisierte Ausflüge wo nötig (wir sind gerne allein unterwegs, aber etwas Info ab und zu ist sehr lehrreich!), hilfreiche aber keine aufdringlichen Ansprechpartner (von dem Missgeschick beim Ausflug zur Sierra Negra  haben Sie bestimmt gehört – brillant gelöst! Ich vermute, ganz Puerto Villamil weiß, dass da jemand Touris hat sitzenlassen :-)). Adrian als Führer für Quito können wir übrigens echt empfehlen!

Entschleunigt sind wir auf jeden Fall, das ging ganz schnell auf den Inseln. Und die Landschaft, die Tiere (!!!) und die Guides haben geschafft, dass wir auch hier zu Hause mehr über das nachdenken was wir tun und mehr versuchen entsprechend zu handeln, Stichwort Umwelt. Ist so! Naja, und die vielen kleinen (und großen) Erlebnisse…

Jetzt könnte ich natürlich noch seitenweise weitermachen, und wir haben schon einige Vorträge gehalten seit wir wieder da sind – selber schuld wer uns nach unserem Urlaub fragt ;-)

Aber eigentlich wollte ich einfach danke sagen für Ihre gute Beratung! Wenn wir jemals das Glück haben, nochmal  auf die Inseln fahren zu können, würde ich mir die Planung nun auch alleine zutrauen – aber das will ich eigentlich gar nicht. Sie machen das super! Wir empfehlen Sie fleißig weiter!

2 befreundete Familien haben nach Ihren Kontaktdaten gefragt, und ich bin sicher, dass die auch schon ein wenig auf Ihrer Homepage gestöbert haben.

Also noch einmal herzlichen Dank! Weiter so!

Ganz liebe Grüße aus A.

Ulla & Jochen K.

A truly special journey

Rated 5.0 out of 5
24. May 2017


Now we are back home for a while, and people usual say that “normal life” has taken back over. It’s true, daily life has taken over, but now different to before!

This trip was really special, and of course that’s because of the islands, but also how you helped us with the planning! For us this exact compilation was perfect! Little ship (luckily! The one crossing from Isabela to Santa Cruz was not fun – found all 6 adults who were on the boat, but the boat was not broken and we all were all fine ;-) ), various accommodations (Luis is sooooo nice, Casa Marita very chic, Gundi is worth gold!), organized excursions where necessary (we like to be alone on the road, but some info from time to time is very instructive!), Helpful but non-intrusive contact (from the mishap during the trip to Sierra Negra have you heard – brilliantly solved! I guess all Puerto Villamil know, that somebody has left tourists :-)). By the way, we can really recommend Adrian as guide for Quito!

But if we thought we had slowed down, that feeling disappeared very quickly on the islands. And the landscape, the animals (!!!) and the guides have managed to make us think more about what we do and try to act accordingly, keyword: environmental. Oh, and all of the small (and big) experiences …

Now of course I could go on page after page, and we have already given some lectures since we arrived back home – blame yourselves when asks us about our vacation ;-)

But actually I just wanted to say thank you for your good advice! If we are ever lucky enough to be able to go to the islands again, I would now have the confidence to go it alone – but I really do not want that. You are doing great work! We have been busy recommending you to our friends!

Two family friends have asked for your contact information, and I’m sure they’ve been browsing your homepage for a while.

Thanks again! Keep it up!

Greetings from A.

Ulla & Jochen K.

Eine außergewöhnliche Reise

Rated 5.0 out of 5
9. May 2017

Liebes Galapagos Pro-Team,

zurück von Ecuador, hier unser Feedback von einer außergewöhnlichen Reise, die unsere Erwartungen weit übertraf.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Beratung, Ihre Vorschläge und die Vorbereitung einer auf unsere Wünsche abgestimmten Reise. Alles klappte hervorragend, auch dank Ihrer Leute vor Ort in Quito und San Christobal. Überall wurden wir freundlich empfangen, beraten und begleitet.

Quito hat Frau W. besonders beeindruckt: in den 60er Jahren noch eine graue, trübe Kleinstadt, heute eine attraktive Hochlandmetropole mit neuem Flughafen und einer kolonialen Altstadt mit hervorragend restaurierten Kirchen und Klöstern.

Die Zugfahrt mit dem Tren Crucero zu den Vulkanen hat gefallen, und die 3 Tage in der Masphi Lodge sind ein Höhepunkt für jeden, der bereit ist, für das Besondere auch etwas mehr auszugeben.

Galapagos  “Wir schicken Sie ins Paradies”  – Ihr Slogan wurde wahr. Gute Unterkunft bei Don Luis im Iguana Casa Mar y Sol. Die Voucher lösten wir ein für eine Fahrt mit einem Spanisch sprechenden Fahrer über die Insel – eine gute Einstimmung für die Kreuzfahrt mit der Legend. Wir hatten eine Außenkabine, obwohl innen gebucht, wir genossen die Annehmlichkeiten an Bord und schätzten die große Hilfsbereitschaft der kompetenten Guides bei den Exkursionen mit wet und dry landing, nicht immer einfach, wenn man, wie Herr S., 82 ist.

Und als in Panama noch die Tickets für Economy Plus bereit lagen – wir waren auf Warteliste – ging eine großartige Reise bequem viel zu schnell zu Ende.

Unvergessliche Erlebnisse, bleibende Eindrücke – wir werden im Bekanntenkreis von Ihrer guten Beratung bei der Planung unserer Traumreise berichten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Helga W. + Walther S.

An extraordinary journey

Rated 5.0 out of 5
9. May 2017

Dear Galapagos Pro Team,

back from Ecuador, here is our feedback from an extraordinary trip that far exceeded our expectations:

Thank you for your advice, your suggestions and the preparation of our customized trip. Everything went well, thanks also to your local people in Quito and San Christobal. Everywhere we were welcomed, advised and accompanied.

Quito has particularly impressed Mrs. W.: in the 60s, a gray, cloudy town, today an attractive highland metropolis with a new airport and a colonial old town with beautifully restored churches and monasteries.

The train ride with the Tren Crucero to the volcanoes was fantastic, and the 3 days at the Masphi Lodge are a highlight for anyone willing to spend a bit more on something special.

Galapagos “We send you to paradise” – your slogan came true. Good accommodation at Don Luis in Iguana Casa Mar y Sol. The vouchers we redeemed for a ride with a Spanish-speaking driver across the island – a good mood for the cruise with the legend. We had an outside cabin, although booked inside, we enjoyed the onboard amenities and appreciated the great helpfulness of the expert guides on the wet and dry landing excursions, not always easy for someone who, like Mr. S., is 82.

And when the tickets for Economy Plus were ready in Panama – we were on a waiting list – a great trip came to an end much too quickly.

Unforgettable experiences, lasting memoriess – we will tell the acquaintances of your good advice when planning our dream trip.

Yours sincerely,

Mr S. and Mrs W.

(translated from German)

Helga W. + Walther S.

Everything works wonderfully!

Rated 5.0 out of 5
4. May 2017

Hello Mrs. Zwermann,

so far everything works wonderfully! The weather is also playing along, if you look away from the occasional cloud (they really round off the pictures though).

We look forward to welcoming Isabela and greetings.

Robert Felke with Lisa

Hello Mrs. Zwermann,

We have just landed on Isabela and been picked up by Rebecca. Everything works wonderfully. It’s a bit fresh today, but that’s all the better for Lisa. We will definitely enjoy our time here and look forward to more adventures.

Greetings from the Wooden House.

Robert Felke with Lisa

(translated from Germany)

Robert Felke mit Lisa

Alles klappt wunderbar!

Rated 5.0 out of 5
4. May 2017

Hallo Frau Zwermann,

bis jetzt klappt das alles wunderbar! Auch das Wetter spielt mit, sieht man einmal von der einen oder anderen Wolke ab (diese runden die Bilder ja erst richtig ab).

Wir freuen uns auf Isabela und grüßen erst einmal ganz herzlich.

Robert Felke mit Lisa

Hallo Frau Zwermann,

sind gerade auf Isabela  gelandet und von Rebecca abgeholt worden. Alles klappt wunderbar. Heute ist es ein bisschen frisch, aber das ist für Lisa umso besser. Wir werden jedenfalls die Zeit hier genießen und freuen uns auf weitere Abenteuer. Herzliche Grüße aus dem Wooden House.

Robert Felke mit Lisa

Thank you!

Rated 5.0 out of 5
4. May 2017

Thanks to the Galapagos Pro team for individual advice! Our 7-day cruise on the Aida Maria met our needs precisely: to get to know the incredible diversity of the islands and their fauna and flora in a family atmosphere! The encounters with the animals were the absolute highlight, and not only for my 10-year-old son! On the ship, we were also impressed by how the chef was able to prepare fresh typical dishes in a confined space every day..

Marlis S.

(translated from German)

Marlis S.


Rated 5.0 out of 5
4. May 2017

Danke dem Galapagos Pro – Team für die individuelle Beratung! Unsere 7- tägige Cruise auf der Aida Maria entsprach genau unseren Bedürfnissen: die unglaubliche Vielfalt der Inseln und ihrer Fauna und Flora in familiärer Atmosphäre kennen zu lernen! Die Begegnungen mit den Tieren waren nicht nicht nur für meinen 10-jährigen Sohn das absolute Highlight! Auf dem Schiff beeindruckte uns zudem, wie der Koch täglich frische typische Speisen auf beengtem Raum so schmackhaft zubereiten konnte…

Marlis S.

Ein kleiner Eindruck

Rated 5.0 out of 5
30. March 2017

A small impression

Dear Mrs. Zwermann,

Now we are almost two weeks back from our trip.

I wanted to get in touch the whole time and say: it was great, we saw a lot and everything went well! I would return in a heartbeat.

All the people we dealt with were very nice and courteous, we never felt insecure, the excursions were all successful, especially the crews on the boats did a great job and were eager to help! The nature guides were good, especially on the last two trips: I think his name was David.

The accommodation on San Cristobal was very good, also with the breakfast it worked out great there. The guide Luis was always on time.

The crossing to Santa Cruz was not so bad either – I was a little bit afraid before we left.

In Puerto Ayora, we felt as comfortable as an old city dwellers, while we strolled through the streets and ate well.

The Casa del Lago was also very nice and Elena a very good hostess.

For us it was absolutely the right decision not to cruise and I think, even after we were there that we (or actually: you!) have put together a very good, round trip.

I will gladly pass on your details to anyone who is interested!

That was a very brief taste of my experiences in the Galapagos. I hope you are doing well!

Many warm greetings,

Katja D.

A brief impression

Rated 5.0 out of 5
30. March 2017

Dear Mrs. Zwermann,

Now we are almost two weeks back from our trip.

I wanted to get in touch the whole time and say: it was great, we saw a lot and everything went well! I would return in a heartbeat.

All the people we dealt with were very nice and courteous, we never felt insecure, the excursions were all successful, especially the crews on the boats did a great job and were eager to help! The nature guides were good, especially on the last two trips: I think his name was David.

The accommodation on San Cristobal was very good, also with the breakfast it worked out great there. The guide Luis was always on time.

The crossing to Santa Cruz was not so bad either – I was a little bit afraid before we left.

In Puerto Ayora, we felt as comfortable as an old city dwellers, while we strolled through the streets and ate well.

The Casa del Lago was also very nice and Elena a very good hostess.

For us it was absolutely the right decision not to cruise and I think, even after we were there that we (or actually: you!) have put together a very good, round trip.

I will gladly pass on your details to anyone who is interested!

That was a very brief impression of my experiences in the Galapagos. I hope you are doing well!

Warmest greetings,

Katja D.

(translated from German)

Katja D.

A huge thank you!

Rated 5.0 out of 5
29. March 2017

Dear Mrs. Zwermann,

dear Galapagos PRO Team,

An incredibly big and absolutely heartfelt “Thank you” to all (!!!) at Galapagos PRO!!!!!

Thank you very much for making sure that we could make an incredibly great, interesting, exciting, funny and varied journey where we have seen and experienced so much. To experience the wildlife so close is really an outstanding experience.

It was really everything perfectly organized, the care both here and on the ground was so competent, kind, entertaining and enriching. Rarely have we traveled so relaxed and come home so relaxed, although the memories and experiences are far from being properly processed… There are so many things that come to mind, really great.

Well, we were completely satisfied and would love to recommend you. Maybe it was not our last trip to Galapagos.

We wish everyone in the team, especially of course Manuela, Karin, Rebecca & Davide, a Merry Christmas, relaxing holidays and a healthy, happy and especially for you and Galapagos PRO a successful new year!

Hopefully in 2017, many people will discover the fascinating island and wildlife of Galapagos with you!

We keep our fingers crossed.

Greetings from the gray and rainy Munich,

Martina and Andreas.

(translated from German)

Martina Schulz & Andreas Gassmann

Top Galapagos Islands Hopping Tours

Incredible Snorkelling

Galapagos's Best Snorkelling Tour

Duration: 11 - 14 days
Highlights: Kicker Rock, Pizón - Santa Fé, Los Tuneles, Las Tintoreras, North Seymour and Las Bachas, Charles Darwin Station

Snorkelling in the paradise of the Galapagos - visit the Galapagos Islands and discover 7 unique islands

From 2060,- USD
Price per pax
Sea Lions on Isabela Island

Galapagos Island Hopping - Mission Paradise on a budget

Duration: 12 - 14 days
Highlights: Santa Cruz, Isabela - 7 days, Charming Hotels , Including Speedboat Tickets, Including Transfers, Excluding Day Excursions

Galapagos Pro offers 15 days in paradise - best routes, customised excursions and hotels, gorgeous beaches

From 2130,- USD
Price per pax

Top Galapagos Islands & Ecuador Combination Tours

Traveling With Your Nature Guide

Ecuador and Galapagos: Compact Tour

Duration: 14 - 18 days
Highlights: Cultural World Heritage, Quito, Otavalo Markets, Avenue of Volcanoes, Shaman Experience, Devil's Nose, Cotopaxi National Park, Ingapirca - Inca ruins, Cajas National Park, Guayaquil, Galapagos Islands , Santa Cruz Island, North Seymour, Isabela

Ecuador's most beautiful places - the majestic Andes, lush Amazon Rainforest and enchanting Galapagos islands

From 3460,- USD
Price per pax
Galapagos Giant Tortoises

Ecuador Complete: Amazon, Andes and Galapagos Islands

Duration: 16 - 20 days
Highlights: Cultural World Heritage Quito, Ingapirca's Incan Ruins, Cajas National Park, Guayaquil, Galapagos Island Hopping

Discover the many faces of the world's most biodiverse country!

From 3560,- USD
Price per pax

Best Galapagos Cruise Tours

Albatross couple

Galapagos Cruise: Southern Albatross Route

Duration: 7 - 7 days
Highlights: Post Office Bay, Snorkelling the Devil's Crown, Albatross Island - Española, Return flight to Guayaquil, Sea Lions, Return flights to Guayaquil

See the unique Galapagos albatrosses on Española during this journey through the southern archipelago.

From 2220,- USD
Price per pax
Red-footed Booby

Galapagos Cruise: Northern Red-footed Booby Route

Duration: 8 - 10 days
Highlights: Red-footed boobies, Bartolomé, Santa Cruz, Plaza Sur, Land Iguanas

Discover the smallest boobys - the rare red-footed boobys in the enchanting Galapagos Islands

From 2280,- USD
Price per pax

Top Peru Tours

Machu Picchu, Perú

Experience Peru, Ecuador and Galapagos Island Hopping

Duration: 19 - 21 days
Highlights: Colonial old town Lima, Inca capital Cusco, Sacred Inca valley, Machu Picchu, Uros flosting islands, Lake Titicaca, Quito- Cultural World Heritage, Otavalo craft market, Monument to theEquator, Island hopping, San Cristóbal and Santa Cruz, Giant tortoises and land iguanas, Blue-footed boobies and frigatebirds

A curated, comprehensive trip of South America's dream destinations

From 5100,- USD
Price per pax

Our Best South American Tours

Atacama Desert

Best of Nature Cruise Deluxe: Atacama, Yasuní, Galapagos

From the driest desert to some of the worlds best snorkeling sites

Duration: 20 - 25 days
From 4910,- USD p.P.

Discover more

Our Popular Galapagos Cruises

Flightless Cormorants

Galapagos Cruise: Western Cormorant Route

Discover the endemic flightless cormorant on the island of Fernandina

Duration: 8 - 12 days
From 3110,- USD p.P.

Discover more

Aida Maria Kreuzfahrt Ecuador Kombi

Ecuador & Galapagos - Amazonas & Aida Maria Cruise

Discover the historical city of Quito, the Rainforest and Mountainous region in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands

Duration: 15 - 18 days
From 3700,- USD p.P.

Discover more

The River Boat Manatee

Cruise Ecuador: Amazon Cruise and Galapagos Cruise

The three wonders of Ecuador in one trip: Andes Mountains, Amazon and Galapagos Islands

Duration: 12 - 16 days
From 4890,- USD p.P.

Discover more

Parrot clay licks

Best of Nature Cruise Deluxe: Atacama, Yasuní, Galapagos

Extremes of luxury and extremes of nature go hand in hand in Best of Nature Deluxe

Duration: 20 - 28 days
From 5610,- USD p.P.

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Rio de Janeiro

South America Tour with a Galapagos Cruise

Discover the best of Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, and a Galapagos cruise

Duration: 21 - 25 days
From 6360,- USD p.P.

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In the Press

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Animal Tour
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News from Ecuador

Galapagos PRO helps 18 providers in the Galapagos Islands to relaunch

Hotels, shipping companies and restaurants receive small loans or down payments on future business Puerto Ayora/Frankfurt, August 26th 2021. Even if tourism on the Galapagos Islands has been increasingly recovering since the beginning of the year, a sword of Damocles hangs over the local providers: they must pay their patents and insurance with the national … Read more

Ecuador: 70 percent of inhabitants over 16 years vaccinated for the first time

Galapagos Islands population and mainland Ecuador tourism workers 12 years and older 95 percent vaccinated with Biontech/Pfizer Quito/Frankfurt, August 9th, 2021. Vaccination of the Ecuadorian population is progressing in leaps and bounds. As of today, nearly 13 million vaccine doses from manufacturers Biontech/Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Sinovac have been administered, including 9.3 million first vaccinations and … Read more

Book Your Trip Safely

Travelling to and around the Galapagos Island can involve relatively large sums of money – for example, an average 14-Days trip could cost 5000 Euros per person – and great care is needed when transferring funds and making payments. 

This means that you should always, and only transfer money via trustworthy vendors. As Galapagos PRO operates under the German travel law we are able to provide our customers with the maximum possible levels of financial security. Our terms and conditions and booking arrangements can be viewed here. See our special offers now!


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